Riad Ouarzazate i Ouarzazate

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MarokkoRiad Ouarzazate



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HAY EL WAHDA 1462, RUE OUKAIMDEN, Ouarzazate 45000, Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 663-613408
internet side: www.riad-ouarzazate.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 30.9295322, Longitude: -6.8988511

kommentar 5

  • Sol-Britt Molin

    Sol-Britt Molin


    Like staying in the story of thousand and a night. Inexpensive, serves excellent dinner.

  • en

    helen t


    Great service. Hakim is fab. Very accomodating. Nice rooms and common areas. THE BEST Breakfast. Car parking is on the street just across the road in a little parking area.

  • Anahita askari

    Anahita askari


    We stayed in Riad quarzazate only for a night, but it has been one of the best stays in morroco. The staff were so friendly and helpful. Hakim went out of his way to help us in anything we asked. In the morning we had our breakfast table set up so beautifully in the dining area. It really felt like home! Thank you for the great experience!

  • Maria Hedblom

    Maria Hedblom


    Really beautiful. The heater/AC 'kind of worked'... A bit expensive, but we negotiated a better price. Try it if it's low season.

  • Regina Luersen

    Regina Luersen


    We had a lovely stay at this riad. The hotel is beautiful with elaborate tile and woodwork everywhere. The small courtyard with a pool is relaxing and there is a terrace that seems little used but it is charming. The breakfast was good and the dinner was delicious. Highly recommended!

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