Hôtel MarMar i Ouarzazate

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MarokkoHôtel MarMar



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Avenue le prince moulay abdellah, Alhizzam, Ouarzazate 45000, Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5248-88887
internet side: www.hotel-marmar.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 30.9283235, Longitude: -6.9244488

kommentar 5

  • en

    Marko Magdič


    Hotel is pretty much what do you expect from it. Beds were not in best shape, in the middle it sunk into itselfe. But it was clean hotel and the bathroom was good, but it lacked some curtains. Breakfast was tasty but quantity could be bigger. Staff was friendly and helpful, and he also print map of city and show us where can we eat.

  • Klemen K

    Klemen K


    The matresses are soft but because they are old, they sank in the middle. Everything else is pretty much what you would expect from 1 star hotel. Good if you are on a budget.

  • Rachid Ait Barhich

    Rachid Ait Barhich


    Nice hotel nice and clean rooms delicious breakfast resonable price

  • en

    Meinrad Dold


    Good value. Quite new, clean, friendly staff, parking included.

  • Tim Schaefer

    Tim Schaefer


    Professional and still very friendly hotel, located conveniently close to the bus terminal. They also rent cars for a fair price. We stayed for one night and got one of the rooms with a balcony, which was great. A bit noisy from the street, but not too much. Rented a car from Hassan for 5 days and were very satisfied. Good breakfast in the cafe in the same building.

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