Le Tichka Ouarzazate i Ouarzazate

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MarokkoLe Tichka Ouarzazate


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🕗 åbningstider

Avenue Mohammed V, 40000, Ouarzazate, Province de Ouarzazate, MA Marokko
kontakter telefon: +212 5248-83335
internet side: www.letichkaouarzazate.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 30.9185788, Longitude: -6.9035238

kommentar 5

  • Suzanne Blanchette

    Suzanne Blanchette


    Je recommande 😀😘👍💕

  • it

    Saveria Barbieri


    La struttura e' datata ed andrebbe un po' ristrutturata ma il rapporto qualita' prezzo e' eccellente. Camere pulite, personale accogliente e disponibile.

  • nl

    V van der Wielen


    Hotel voor 1 nacht.

  • en

    Nizar M


    We got our things stolen in our room. We went to the receptionnist, who in turn directed us to the cleaning ladies, then hid nowhere to be found. The cleaning ladies then started yelling at us, when we told here we were clients and shouldn't be yelled at, one of them told me 5 times to shut up. We didn't book here to get our things stolen, to make an investigation about which cleaning ladie stole what, and then to get yelled at by them. I've been all around the world, from Hiroshima to Riyad and I've never lived an experience like this. I have videos of the personnel yelling at us if needed. We filed a report.

  • fr

    momo-_- gamer


    Personnel très gentil et très accueillants. Piscine propre et correct. Chambre correcte également malgré un grand besoin de rafraîchissement.

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