Berber Palace i Ouarzazate

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MarokkoBerber Palace


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Rue Al-Mansour Ad-Dahbi, 45000, Ouarzazate, Ouarzazate, MA Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5248-83105
internet side:
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Latitude: 30.923062, Longitude: -6.909776

kommentar 5

  • Chris Trimble

    Chris Trimble


    Decent hotel but feels tired and in need of a major overhaul. Has lovely grounds, nice building fitting with the local architecture style, but the rooms feel a bit old and stuffy, and the breakfast really needs an overhaul.

  • Oren Duvdevani

    Oren Duvdevani


    It's a good road hotel on the way. Rooms are very big. Stuff is helpful. There is a swimming pool . The hotel is quite old but for us it was good for 1 night

  • en

    Paul Ward


    Couldn't ask for more after completing the Marathon des Sables this place was a great place to start our recovery.

  • Lisa Miranda

    Lisa Miranda


    The hotel grounds are beautiful, but the room wasn’t very clean. If it was, I would have given a 4 star rating.

  • Shaun Marsden

    Shaun Marsden


    Definitely the best hotel in Ouarzazate. The rooms are clean, spacious and comfortable. There is a pool with a bar with plenty of shaded spots to enjoy being outside. Beer can be a little pricey but you must remember that Morocco is a dry country. Buffet breakfast and dinner with a great selection catering for most dietary needs.

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