Hotel ibis Ouarzazate Centre i Ouarzazate

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MarokkoHotel ibis Ouarzazate Centre



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Avenue Moulay Rachid, 45000, Ouarzazate, Province de Ouarzazate, MA Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5248-99110
internet side:
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Latitude: 30.9201256, Longitude: -6.9036943

kommentar 5

  • en

    Peegy Butron


    Clean, clear, small rooms but very comfortable. Nice staff

  • Sharnie Odley

    Sharnie Odley


    Exactly what we needed, in a perfect location . One way you have restaurants, another you have cafes" town centre" with desert majesty (we booked up a couple tours and dessert trips) and the other is a few more shops but our interest was kart adventures. Every think you could possibly need was in walking distance. We had a little issue with our door lock but got someone straight up and made the decision to move our room so within 5mins of the issue we were in our new room brilliant. One of the days we chilled by the pool for a couple hours nice and peaceful.

  • Khalid Ashoor

    Khalid Ashoor


    I chose this hotel for the rate mainly. I stayed in Ibis hotel other cities last year. I am spending 2 nights here. This is my 1st visit to Ouarzazat. I came by bus from Marrakech ( not advisable. 200km in 4 hours and a half and not a good road) I am leaving to Casablanca by plane. The hotel is average. Acceptable. If u could afford another one, do not hesitate.

  • Rob Long

    Rob Long


    So much cigarette smoking downstairs that the whole hotel smells of it. Huge 10cm long smear of blood on the wall next to the toilet in our room. Tv was not functioning. The room layout was clever; but when one of the bed side tables had been ripped off the wall and the damage to the wall just left, it's hard to say anything nice about the room.

  • Z A

    Z A


    I was not impressed by my stay here. The pillows are very small and flat. They do not provide robes or slippers. I had to request extra pillows and towells! The service was not good.

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