Le Dhow i Rabat

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MarokkoLe Dhow



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Avenue Al Marsa - Quai de Bouregreg، Rabat 10000, Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5377-02302
internet side: www.ledhow.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.0289789, Longitude: -6.8323082

kommentar 5

  • William Schaefer

    William Schaefer


    Please understand that I have not yet eaten at the restaurant. However, I originally posted that the restaurant had failed to respond to my multiple requests for a reservation. The manager and owner have since contacted me, apologized for the problems, and addressed my concerns. Mistakes happen but the sign of a fine establishment is addressing and correcting. I am most impressed by the professionalism of the management and I think they deserve kudos for their actions.

  • Diogo Soares

    Diogo Soares


    Good place. Great staff. A wonderful place for tourists, with alcohol. The service is somewhat slow but the food is worth it.

  • Lee Paradise

    Lee Paradise


    Great place to eat, have a drink with friends, or stay out late clubbing. Food is good, not brilliant, but well worth the money. Good atmosphere and you can't beat sitting on a boat in the sun with a beer.

  • CrateFX



    The view is amazing, the food is also very good, the mega cocktails they serve are outstanding. Definitely worth a visit The only downside is you can't sit outside when it's windy, my glass of wine almost fell over from the strong wind once.

  • Erik Halverson

    Erik Halverson


    Great setting and view in the restaurant, decent food, good service. Recommend visiting at least once for the experience. Didn't get to visit the lounge on the bow, which looks super cool.

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