Blue Berry i Rabat

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MarokkoBlue Berry



🕗 åbningstider

R322, Rabat, MA Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5373-75555
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.0276968, Longitude: -6.8299462

kommentar 5

  • Zahra Fatima

    Zahra Fatima


    Good enough

  • David Fernandez

    David Fernandez


    We wanted a coffee place near the promenade and ended up here. Big menu but useless as many of our choices were unavailable. Overpriced (pay for the views and location) and standard quality. Poorly staffed: just one waiter for more than 10 tables. Waiter was nice but didn't like that he tried to sell me when three of my choices where out of the menu. Coffee was ok, moroccan tea average and not so much quantity. Better off some place else.

  • Kasutra boyed

    Kasutra boyed


    Nice view the feed is not that good a 3/5

  • Janet Morgan

    Janet Morgan


    Great atmosphere and wonderful service with such warm hospitality! The scallops appetizer served with fries was big enough to share as an entree! This eatery is one of my favorite memorable moments in Morocco!

  • Med B

    Med B


    Nice view on the river if you don't mind people walking by and if you don't mind the noise. The icecream doesn't taste so good and also a lot of beggers will come at you atleast every 10 minutes if you sit outside.

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