Casa Voyageurs i Casablanca

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MarokkoCasa Voyageurs


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Boulevard Moulay Youssef, 20250, Casablanca, Ain Sebaa-Hay Mohammedi, MA Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212
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Latitude: 33.5903733, Longitude: -7.5920261

kommentar 5

  • Zaid Ibhais

    Zaid Ibhais


    I felt comfort when i traveled through this station.

  • Kyle D

    Kyle D


    Easy access train station - but the taxi drivers harassment game is pretty strong. The ticket counter spoke English which was nice for when we needed to buy a ticket to Marrakech the next day.

  • El Messaoudi Moulay Hassan

    El Messaoudi Moulay Hassan


    Casa voyageurs it's a train station next to the wlad zian bus station , very bad service and no respect to people at all, people are very greedy. The taxi driver took from me more than what he is expected to take and he was shouting at me when i was not happy about what he did , he said either you pay or i will leave you here and no one will accept to take to the train station, it was 2am and my wife was with me i don't want to take any action because i don't want to put my wife's life at risk as the place is not safe at all.

  • en



    This is the location of the casa voyageurs Tram Station, not the train station. The casa voyageurs Train station is just across the road. Be careful with people offering you to buy the ticket from the machine. I already have the rechargeable card and was trying to figure out how to top up the value when suddenly a teenager came over, took the card from my hand, show me where to insert, and in the end ask for money. Although 2 dirham is not a big amount, it left me with a bitter taste and bad impression of locals who appear friendly or helpful.

  • sim mal

    sim mal


    main train station of Casablanca is under renovation (Nov 2017)so lots of noise! once outside you'll find the usual taxi gang.. avoid them(they asked me 80mad for 1,5km of road..) but few meters after them there is a new and efficient tram (T1) which cost 8mad for ride and it goes every 5 minute.. it'll take you close to where you are headed!

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