Casa Port i Casablanca

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MarokkoCasa Port


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Boulevard de Fes, 20250, Casablanca, Anfa, MA Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.5994804, Longitude: -7.6128264

kommentar 5

  • Laurent Paul Montaron

    Laurent Paul Montaron


    Beautiful train station, airy and modern with all shops and restaurants. Very convenient underground parking, spacious and easy to access. But haven't figured out how to pay for tickets by credit card yet. Both my moroccan card and international card are systematically declined by the distributor. Only option: cash at the ticket counter. After they fix that I'll upgrade the place to 5 stars!

  • en

    Dolapo Popoola


    Modern and cosmopolitan train station with free wifi. Upper level of Starbucks offers charging port. Loads of comfortable waiting areas and toilets on the lower level are clean and functional. Ticket machine (in English and French) makes ticket purchase a breeze, train times are up on screens around the station.

  • en

    Thomas Huguenin


    Good station but wifi is not effective

  • Abdellahi Bouh

    Abdellahi Bouh


    Very nice modern train station. Many shops to eat and cloths brands. Friendly staff. Free WiFi. The only downside is there’s no place to charge your phone which is a let down for a place like this. For you to charge your phone You have to go in one of food shops to buy something only then you can charge your electronics

  • Amira Beauty

    Amira Beauty


    Very modern station i love everything about it but please dont try the loubnane express the food is old plz dont , they warm up the burger macdoland have a more fresh burgers then they have

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