Yamal Al Sham i Rabat

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MarokkoYamal Al Sham



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5, Avenue Al Maghrib Al Arabi, 10060, Rabat, MA Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5377-20276
internet side: www.yamalacham.ma
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.0204903, Longitude: -6.8431681

kommentar 5

  • Khalid Aziz

    Khalid Aziz


    Very popular restaurant, so expect it to be busy. Good Syrian/Lebanese food at affordable prices.

  • Badre Bouatrous

    Badre Bouatrous


    I give 5 stars for the service and waitresses..... the food was normal not that point I read about in the comments... so crowded nd you should wait for a moment

  • Aiman Haziq

    Aiman Haziq


    Excellent place to get Syrian food in Rabat. The personnel are super friendly, food is really good for its price range, and the restaurant has a cozy feel to it. Only downside is that it may be very crowded at times.

  • Montasser Mohammed

    Montasser Mohammed


    One of the best oriental restaurants in Rabat, but you should know that you have to wait to have an empty place mostly in the evening. The manager is a welcoming person always with a smile. The restaurant is not soo big but it is a cozy place. I recommend it to have different food types in Morocco.

  • Mohamed Aymane Ahajjam

    Mohamed Aymane Ahajjam


    Great food and service under Arab-nights atmosphere! Might need to wait I will be line for a bit to get your own a table! (yes, it's that good!)

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