La Comédie i Rabat

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MarokkoLa Comédie



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269, Avenue Mohammed V, 10000, Rabat, MA Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5372-07574
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.0203211, Longitude: -6.8370708

kommentar 5

  • Hermon Phuntling

    Hermon Phuntling


    Service was average. Very central. Too populated for my taste. The taste was in the delicious baked goods & dessert! Macarons (5 Dhms each) were the best I had in Rabat.

  • Aymane jdidi

    Aymane jdidi


    Good quality food and cool place to chill

  • Ikram El

    Ikram El


    They have got nice hot beverages, nice place to have a coffee in, indoor and outdoor tables but I recommend the indoor because when you sit outdoor people are going by in the street and sometimes it's annoying because beggars can come every now and then .

  • Achraf Arahbi

    Achraf Arahbi


    The cafe itself is not that bad, plus they got a built-in bakery, you can get whatever pastery you want from there. The position of the cafe is good, right in the city center so expect a lot of passersby if you sit outside; service is fast, coffee's good enough, and they got chill songs playing inside.

  • hadok1000



    It's a good café in the center of Rabat city with a bakery/pastry inside. Just a tip: buy by yourself from the bakery and then order whatever you want to drink when you are around your table. It's usually very crowded in summer.

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