Résidence Fleurie i Agadir

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MarokkoRésidence Fleurie


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Rue de la Foire, 80000, Agadir, Province d'Agadir-Ida-Ou Tanane, MA Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5288-43624
internet side: www.residence-fleurie.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 30.4182433, Longitude: -9.5946422

kommentar 5

  • Krisztina Szebeni

    Krisztina Szebeni


    Cosy rooms, nice breakfast, kind and helpful staff. The ocean is about ten minutes, nice shops and restaurants around.

  • P Kaitz

    P Kaitz


    With Christianity there's all this argument about which version of it's correct when as with all religion what's clear is that it's all nonsense. Americans and the English don't understand one another. Our difference are made the more obvious because we share a language. Americans are cruder; the English are more acquiescent. "Tell me, do you find it difficult these days to get staff?" "Not very, but then we're Jewish, so we pay well." "I mean if I had shouted blue murder every time someone tried to kiss me at Eton I'd have gone horse in a month." "Well that is an easy caveat to accept as I am never wrong." "It always happens, when you give these little people power it goes to their head like strong drink." Downton Abbey I'm telling you if you don't behave I'm going to start taking pictures of these people and putting them up, like your nose picker in BP. Instill some discretion and deference if not tack in the teaching of your tradecraft. And trust me on this, Gide and Malraux notwithstanding, I don't go for Arab guys.

  • Spy24 Detektyw

    Spy24 Detektyw


    Mily hotel z obsluga mowica po angielsku, francusku i arabsku. Spelniaja wszysykie prosby w krotkim czasie. Parking przed hotelem 10 dirhamow za 24h. Sniadanie smaczne Very Nice hotel with service talking in english, french and Arabian. Make all wishes in the short time. Car park is opposite the hotel. It cost 10 dirham for 24h. Breakfast is delicious.

  • Adam Kamiński

    Adam Kamiński


    Very good breakfast. Nice water pool. Good location. Nice rooms also.

  • Little Goddess

    Little Goddess


    Even if there is places for no smokers ppl but we still can smell the smoke

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