Atlantic Palace Agadir Golf Thalasso Casino Resort i Agadir

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MarokkoAtlantic Palace Agadir Golf Thalasso Casino Resort


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Secteur Balneaire Et Touristique, BP 194,، Agadir 80000, Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5288-24146
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Latitude: 30.4042465, Longitude: -9.5982809

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ayan Channel


    It was an amazing stay, I will come back soon !! 😉

  • Rachel Lucy Ray

    Rachel Lucy Ray


    Nice pool and facilities. Staff are very helpful and friendly. Will help you organise all your activities and tours. Rooms are spacious. Could do with a facelift to the bathroom and furniture. Food is nice and roomservice quite reasonable.

  • en

    Ricardo Christians


    Very nice hotel in Morocco. Staff was generally very nice. Rooms were clean and big. Breakfast was not the was cold (hot items) and bland. Everything ells was fantastic even the WiFi. Had a very short stay and would've loved to use more of the amenities.

  • en

    Wim Rooijakkers


    Marvelous complete hotel for optimal relaxing purpose. Great service and hospitality.

  • Kevin Smith

    Kevin Smith


    Had a great experience in this casino over a week. Really nice staff and great manager offering us free steaks and buffet meals including Alcoholics drinks. What made our visit amazing this time round was the public relations manager lubna.

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