La Porte d'Or i Marrakech

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MarokkoLa Porte d'Or



🕗 åbningstider

115, Souk Semmarine، Marrakech 40300, Marruecos
kontakter telefon: +212 661-240653
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.6287025, Longitude: -7.9878607

kommentar 5

  • fr

    Saïmon Hamidallah


    lieu envoûtant ou tout est raffiné.

  • en

    Jean-Marc Goguikian


    Den of thieves. Look on eBay before buying or as leverage on negotiations. Tried purchasing a dagger here a few days back, the shopkeeper showed me options ranging from 900 to 400 USD I'm used to buying these things so their prices seemed excessive. After haggling for a bit I walk away disappointed (shopkeeper wouldn't go below 390$ on the cheapest option). I just bought a larger, more intricate version of the dagger he tried selling for 450 USD (silver Mughal dagger) for 80 USD on eBay. Please walk in informed, they have nice things but their pricing is unethical.

  • David Winters

    David Winters


    Loved shopping here with these guys. Wish I was in a financial place to afford their rugs. I went in today and was looking at two nice rugs that would be great for my new apt. We could not get close in price so I walked out. If I visit again I will likely go shopping there again and hopefully I can get an authentic rug at that points :)

  • Salah Kech wool

    Salah Kech wool


    Sehr grosse Auswahl

  • Stefano Mantese

    Stefano Mantese


    The best shop in marrakech for the Moroccan things, many famous artists bought here too :-)

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