House of Photography in Marrakech i Marrakech

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MarokkoHouse of Photography in Marrakech



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46, Rue Bin Lafnadek, 400030, Marrakech, Marrakesh, MA Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5243-85721
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.6319927, Longitude: -7.9842975

kommentar 5

  • en

    TravelTales Online


    If you're into photographs, you may appreciate this more than I did. Some of them were OK, but I most enjoyed the video about Morocco back in the day. I only went to the museum because I'd been suckered into a tannery tour and I was in the neighborhood.

  • en

    Georgios Michas


    Beautiful small exhibition inside a very beautiful Ryad. Some amazing pics depicting Morocco in the old times and how people lived. Don't miss the restaurant on the top as itnhas great views, food, and drinks in very good prices!

  • Brin Sawdon

    Brin Sawdon


    Some interesting old photos of marrakech and the surrounding area, and some amazing portraits. If you're into photography, worth a visit for that. If not, worth a visit for the lovely restaurant on the top floor. Genuinely one of the best meals we had in Marrakech.

  • Marta Rybarczyk

    Marta Rybarczyk


    The view from the top roof is nice. They have a nice collection of Moroccan photography, I liked the portraits in particular. The staff at the front desk wasn't very welcoming, not sure whether it was because I came 45min before closing. If you are not in to photography I'd give it a miss.

  • Gaelle S

    Gaelle S


    Although we've been several times in Marrakech, it's the first time we visit this lovely little museum! It's well hidden yet really easy to find when you look for it. It has more to offer than great pictures for photography lovers; it's a piece of history told in these walls. When your visit is done, don't miss the couscous on the rooftop terrace restaurant! It's a very good restaurant with a beautiful view!

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