El Badii Palace i Marrakesh

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MarokkoEl Badii Palace



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Ksibat Nhass, 40000, Marrakesh, Marrakesh, MA Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 644-727244
internet side: www.a-maps.com
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Latitude: 31.6182364, Longitude: -7.9858623

kommentar 5

  • en



    Once a monumental palace and venue for festivals and grand parties. Unfortunately all that is left now is the decaying ruins of what once would have been a magnificent place. There are plenty of signs with information detailing the history of the palace and the history that goes with it. I'm not a fan of reading lots of information but we got 2 hours of interesting walks and views when we visited. For the price, it is well worth it.

  • Kyle D

    Kyle D


    This was a fun place to visit for an hour. The terrace has a nice breeze to it. The KITTENS are CUTE! It is not as touristy (tour groups) as the other palaces.

  • Shoaib Ghanizada

    Shoaib Ghanizada


    Very inexpensive to get in and a great find. We really enjoyed visiting the palace as a family and both our 10 and 5 year olds were intrigued by its history. Our favourite bit was the movie at the end which showed how the palace would have once looked in its grandeur. A must go for any history lover.

  • Nigel Wright

    Nigel Wright


    Interesting place to visit. Has been very well revamped which shows off the beautiful workmanship. Gets pretty busy but if you go early its reasonably calm.

  • Florian Speckbacher

    Florian Speckbacher


    Nice place to see some history. Watch the movie inside the palace to understand how it historically looked. It is definitely not necessary to visit the mosque inside the palace. Skip it and safe the money even though it is 1 euro. The view from the tower is great. You can see the entire place and the area around the city.

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