Bahia Palace i Marrakech

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MarokkoBahia Palace



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Avenue Imam El Ghazali, 40000, Marrakech, Marrakech, MA Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 644-727244
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Latitude: 31.6217568, Longitude: -7.9815553

kommentar 5

  • yossi miller

    yossi miller


    The architecture and attention to detail is unbelievable. If you appreciate art this is a must see. Intricate details in every aspect. Absolutely breathtaking.

  • en

    Johannes Gerd Hegau


    1001 night is just nothing compared with this great work of the best artisans of its time. I got deeply impressed by it. A visit is simply a MUST for every visitor in Marrakech. Take your time when you go there.

  • Aliisa Rantanen

    Aliisa Rantanen


    A stunning palace filled with amazing mosaics and lush gardens. It was easy to find too, and 10 dirhams for entrance was very cheap. There were quite a lot of tourists in guided tours so some rooms of the palace were very crowded, but when you managed to go through the tour group it became calmer. Lots of amazing spots for photographs!

  • en

    Hawal Abubakr


    What an amazing palace! It may be true that I visited this palace because my grandmother have the same name, but man I am happy I did. This place is astonishing, so big with so many rooms all covered by time bites of tiles. We had no guide so we used our imagination to what the rooms where and how old they were and what they were used for. But honestly if you like history I think this place have plenty of. There were also a beautiful garden in the back. Don’t use or even go near the toilet in this place, man it was disgusting. But man so many tiles covered rooms.

  • Heiko Bienenstich

    Heiko Bienenstich


    The area is spacious and they keep on the work to recover the valuable history of this beautiful place. Just look out for a quiet place, sit down and enjoy the ancient palace. There are even storks and kestrel you can observe there. Very valuable and the entrance fee is fair.

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