Riad in Marrakech Rouge hostels i Marrakesh

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MarokkoRiad in Marrakech Rouge hostels



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Marrakech Marrakesh 40000, Marrakesh 40000, Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 661-153163
internet side: rougetravel.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 31.6266599, Longitude: -7.9906466

kommentar 5

  • en

    max becker


    Fun, clean, and safe hostel! The building is a beautiful, traditional open air style house located in the heart of Marrakech's old medina. It has great atmosphere and rooftop panoramas of the city. The staff is very friendly and helpful! The hostel is well connected to reputable tour companies and can help you arrange excursions to the coast, the mountains, the desert, and more. Also, they serve free breakfast every morning with the best jam! Shout out to Ali, the host with the most! :)

  • Cavalli Oriental Marrakech Marrakech

    Cavalli Oriental Marrakech Marrakech


    Had a great stay at Riad Rouge! The hostel is a five minute walk from the center square so it's easy to find and the hostel itself is very clean. The breakfast is good and the staff are always willing to help you or give you tea/ coffee. I would definitely recommend!

  • fr

    Surf Merci


  • it

    fymkm mkm


    Allora inizio col dire che. Compagnia rouge hostels un insieme di riad situati alla medina e senza ombra di dubbio una delle migliori ottimo staff ottima organizzazione consiglio a tutti !!! 100 ×100 confort

  • it

    Marrakech Morocco


    E un hostel magnifico splendido anche houda e una brava ragazza ci ha sempre aiutato in qualsiasi cosa possa servirci .vi consiglio di andarci perche e un hostel davvero eccezionale

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