Restaurant Kui-Zin Marrakech i Marrakech

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MarokkoRestaurant Kui-Zin Marrakech



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Route Sidi Abdelaziz, 40000, Marrakech, Marrakesh, MA Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5243-90984
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.6322587, Longitude: -7.9887991

kommentar 5

  • Freya Zsombory

    Freya Zsombory


    It was good. I posted a picture of the menu so you have an idea of the prices. I ordered the lamb tagine. My husband dislikes savory with sweet and he tasted the lamb on its own and thought it was good. It’s only sweet when you eat the prune/raisins. It doesn’t come with anything, so if you’re starving and the table bread is not enough, then I suggest ordering one of the garnishes. My husband ordered the vegetable lasagna. I thought it tasted good.

  • Andrada Popan-Dorca

    Andrada Popan-Dorca


    Great food, we went there twice in one week. The lemon chicken is really good. The terrace has a beautiful view and live music. If you feed the cats, they'll be your friends for the rest of the evening.

  • en

    Stuart Leate


    Pretty good food here and a nice atmosphere, they had a band playing locap music which was a nice touch. It's reasonably priced and has a rooftop area which is what initially drew us in, definitely worth a visit.

  • Lionel Marchand

    Lionel Marchand


    Wonderful place to have lunch or dinner at. Prices are okay and the vegetarian tajine was a real treat. I recommend this place as it is also a quiet break from the hustle and bustle from the city / souks. Enjoy!

  • en

    Julie Reid


    We went on the recommendation of our Riad owner. It was easy to find amidst the chaos of the Small streets and Souks. Food is simple well cooked Moroccan fayre with very friendly service and good mint tea. Added bonus of live music

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