National Zoo Rabat Morocco i Rabat

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MarokkoNational Zoo Rabat Morocco



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Annexe 23eme, (Ceinture verte), Cité Yacoub El Mansour,, Rabat, Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5372-93794
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.955304, Longitude: -6.89435

kommentar 5

  • Rahmoun Mohamed

    Rahmoun Mohamed


    Nice place to bring the kids, lovely olace too many animals to see and there is snacks if u got hungry hh

  • Zakar Russ

    Zakar Russ


    Compared to other zoos, I would say that this is a pretty good one, in order to see everything, one should spend the whole day there from the time it opens till it closes, it has some rare animals for example the last Atlas lions. the pricing is manageable as well -50dh for adults- and 30DH for students, in addition to that, sometimes they offer family packs-120DH for 2 adults and 2 kids-. I personally liked the spaces in there where you can just hang out and rest from walking the whole day. From my experience it's an amazing place for first dates ;). One thing I didn't like is the unnecessary expensive price of food.

  • en



    Though im no fan of contained animals, this was definitely a very nice experience for children .

  • Catalin-Octavian Ameer Simon

    Catalin-Octavian Ameer Simon


    Amazing place. I love it. Cannot wait to go back.

  • Karim El Jaouhari

    Karim El Jaouhari


    The zoo used to be very clean and well maintained. However it seems to probably be understaffed at the moment, as it is not a big season now. All sorts of animals from all continents are there. a quick p.s. to the management. As you are the biggest Zoo in Morocco please be mindful of the image you portray to your visitors. Moroccans or foreigners. I ll be back in 2019 and check again if anything has improved.

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