Morocco tours in marrakech i Marrakesh

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MarokkoMorocco tours in marrakech



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Morocco marrakech, Marrakesh 40000, Marruecos
kontakter telefon: +212 652-586889
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Latitude: 31.625508, Longitude: -7.991944

kommentar 5

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    max becker


    Best days ever in our live These days in Morocco were incredible as the tour that make you know the culture, gastronomy and the nature from there. If you are thinking to go to Morocco this tour is the best idea ever, the guides are fantactic as the views and the moments there, you never forget this trip and you will come back for sure, that whats happed to me. The tour will give you all that you are expected and more. Dont think more about it and do it, you wont regret. Beste regard to my really close friend and hope ypu have the same awesome days as my girlfriend and I.

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    Alma Lara


    Excellent communication In a city where nothing works and no one wants to keep times this is the absolute antitheses to this. The communication was excellent and everything worked like a charm, what a delight!

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    Eymen Sirhani


    Sahara Adventure Morocco Our guide and amazing driver, Youness made our trip extra memorable Traveling over the High Atlas to the Sahara from Marrakesh and back was like traveling with family. He is a skillful driver and did all he could and more to make our trip memorable and tailored to our requests. He is gracious and knowledgeable. Upon arrival at Riad Dar Hassan, we were given time to relax and go for a swim before climbing aboard our camels to head to the desert. The Sahara tour was well organized and intimate. The camp staff and camel guides superb. The camp was small and we were able to get to know our camp mates. The accommodations and traditional Berber meal was great. The camp was beautiful and clean. We ended the evening under the stars and were awakened early for the sunrise and trip back to Riad Dar Hassan where we were welcomed with a great room in which to shower before a fabulous breakfast was served. I highly recommend you book with this operator and request Youness. You will not regret a moment!

  • Francesca Ammata

    Francesca Ammata


    Great Experience We had the 3-day-trip from Fes to Merzouga ans back again with our guide Mohamed Bowmehoul. Our guide picked us up in our Riad in Fes and he was very friendly and helpful. During our tour through the Switzerland of morocco ans different other places he explained a lot about the culture and the nature of morocco. When we arrived at the Riad we had some time to get ready for the Camel Trip through the Desert of Merzouga. It was fun but I am not sure about the treatment of the Camels. The night in the tents was great, the dinner was delicious and the sky with all the stars was worth to see. Back in Riad we had a nice Room and the Personal was very Friendly. Our guide Mohamed picked us up for the Second day to Show us around, he was always in Time. Food was always good and it was a nice experience. All in all it is to say that it is expensive but once in life everyone should do i

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    isabel dadi


    The Best Trip so Far!!!! Oh Morocco1!!! We went on a fantastic 3 day tour from Marrakesh to the Atlas mountains & Desert. We couldn't have asked for a better tour. We had a very professional, friendly and attentive tour guide by the name of Salim! He constantly made sure we were happy and adapted the tour to suit us. Salim was very interesting and informative and unlike most tour guides took us to many places off the usual tourist tracks. Compared with our friends experience on a bus full of tourists we had a comfortable 4x4 vehicle to ourselves. We also stopped at many places that we wanted to along the way but never felt pressured to buy anything. I definitely recommend this tour to our friends and anyone wanting to get out of busy Marrakesh. We would love to return one day and take one of Sahara 4x4 Tours out into the desert. Also, a special thanks to Hassan the owner of this amazing Tourist Tour he was so friendly and made us feel like home!!! Thanks to everyone that forms part of this amazing group!!!

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