Mogador Express Gueliz i Marrakech

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MarokkoMogador Express Gueliz


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Avenue Hassan II, Marrakech 40000, Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 530-530530
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.627766, Longitude: -8.022933

kommentar 5

  • en

    chami Aafra


    I love this place, it s one of the best qualities given for that price range

  • WM Thetraveller

    WM Thetraveller


    The hotel stated in the centre of Marrakech.. but they have a very old furniture in the rooms ..rooms aren't quite you can hear all outside sounds from the windows..The quality of food is very bad ..they are cooking inside the restaurants...during the breakfast time ..A lot of smoke ..bad customer experience

  • Turky Bukhary

    Turky Bukhary


    It’s once of the nicest hotels in Marrakech city

  • Marco Male

    Marco Male


    New, nice and clean. Excellent staff!

  • Alyn Scott

    Alyn Scott


    Large hotel opposite the station, it has no bar but the is an excellent supermarket next door. The meals are adequate but nothing special. There is a swimming pool and spa, supposedly a tea room on the mezzanine floor but if was closed when i was there. Watch your feet, there are a few trip hazards like curling carpets, lintels under the doors and small steps where you least expect them. Generally a nice hotel but could be improved.

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