L'Miss i Temara

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Temara, Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212
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Latitude: 33.9389073, Longitude: -6.9382122

kommentar 5

  • Omar Abbadi

    Omar Abbadi


    Poisson frais

  • abdo elbaz

    abdo elbaz



  • en

    Bram Broshuis


    This probably is the worst restaurant I ever visited. These people should not even have a licence to run a restaurant as they completely lack the knowledge of how to deal with food in a responsable manner. The waiting staff doesn't know anything about the dishes they serve and is very sloppy in terms of remembering your order. Even if the evening we ate here there were only two tables occupied. It all comes across very amaturistic, but it is something I can live with. The real problem is their food and the hygene. We ordered a dish of mixed fried seafood accompanied by a salad, and a dish of seafood cooked in tomato sauce and a morrocan salad. Despite there were only four guests we had to wait ages for the food to be served. Strangely enough the chef was all over the place doing anything except cooking; playing on his phone and talking with friends that were passing by, leaving all the work to his assistant. The normal "salad" was literally a pyramid of mushy white rice covered in mayonaise. The morrocan salad consisted for at least 50% out of raw chopped onion. Both salads were horrible but the worst was still to come; the seafood dishes. This place is right on the seaside so serving some fresh fish could have been their specialty. Unfortunately we were confronted with two plates of deep frozen seafood mixes that had turned bad. Furthermore they seemed to not have refreshed the oil for the fried seafood for a long time, creating a mixed stench of old fish and bad oil. It all tasted discusting. However, it was already late and we were hungry, so we ate some of it. This caused me a food poisoning resulting in spending two days on the toilet. When I went to pay the bill, in the restaurant they had a buffet which looked like it was used to serve breakfast in the morning. The condiments on this table looked like anything but fresh, they were not properly covered and cockroaches were crawling through the foods. I hope my experience is not representative for the overall management of this place, otherwise causing a more serious food poisoning is just a matter of time.

  • lina has

    lina has


    The food was exquisite, great and very fast service plus the fish was fresh. I recommend this restaurant to anyone looking for a great spot to relax and enjoy high quality of fish

  • en



    Very bad experience. Totally unprofessional staff. The food was discussing

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