Le Médina Essaouira Thalassa sea & spa-MGallery by Sofitel- i Essaouira

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MarokkoLe Médina Essaouira Thalassa sea & spa-MGallery by Sofitel-



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Avenue Mohamed V, Essaouira 44000, Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 525-072526
internet side: www.accorhotels.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 31.508389, Longitude: -9.766083

kommentar 5

  • en

    helen t


    Sat outside on the beach and had a beer!!!! In public in Morocco!! Fab place to sit on the super big couches and chill / people watch.

  • en

    Fat El Moumeni


    amazing experience among a wonderful front desk stuff : special thanks to every body specially Nezha & karima. will be back soon😍

  • en

    Phil Oliver


    Very comfortable hotel. Pool and dining area in center. Nice breakfast buffet. Rooms pretty nice. 2 Single beds. Short walk to big and fun medina for shopping and food. It's on the ocean. Amazing history. Very comfortable place to browse. Come to Morocco for a great vacation. Try Gate 1 travel. Great pricing and tour. Discovery are the smaller groups, up to 21 people on 48 passenger bus. Outstanding tour guide, driver and his aide

  • Merid Berhe

    Merid Berhe


    Morocco as a county is the most hospitable place with the most welcoming people you’ll ever meet. This places is the embodiment of the character of the country. It’s clean, beautiful, plentiful, welcoming with abundant smiles. I typically avoid hotel restaurants but the restaurant here is an exception with authentic and amazing cuisine. It has a private beach space right across the street so you really can’t go wrong. Sleep here. Eat here.

  • Patricia Wang

    Patricia Wang


    Well located next to the beach and short walking distance to the medina. It has its own beach front area that you can lay down, watch the ocean, and have a drink. Lobby decorates with artistic and modern color. We had breakfast there for two days. A couple of stands outside next to swimming pool is worth to try. I like the egg omelet with all different vegetables. It is the first hotel we found bacon but some traditional Morrocan bake breads. Our room is in nice and reasonable size with very comfortable bed. The water basin in the bathroom seems not deep enough. Two closets so me and my friend can have our own to hang clothes. That is nice.

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