Kingslize Pizza Casablanca i Dar-el-Beida

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MarokkoKingslize Pizza Casablanca



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183 Angle Boulevard Ghandi، Dar-el-Beida 20250, Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 643-200500
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Latitude: 33.571045, Longitude: -7.646372

kommentar 5

  • Omar El Alami

    Omar El Alami


    3.5 Stars : Just good regular old pizza when it comes to the savoury pizzas. I love the size as two kingsized pizzas are plentiful for a whole family (or 4 random people). Tastes authentic and quite delicious, would definitely try again if in the area. Unfortunately didn’t get to try the « dessert » pizzas which seem to be a specialty but I will make sure to check them out. Other than that, the minimalist design and style comes off as a bit creepy and cheap considering the very small size of the joint, but really that’s just a nitpicky footnote that shouldn’t stop anyone from trying there solid pizza !

  • Mutlu Deveci

    Mutlu Deveci


    Taste and price combination is nice. I tried meat lover king size. It was so good. It can be little salty but worth to eat it. Wc is very large be closet is so small. They must fix it. There is chair for baby. This is also good point with central location in Ghandi Street.

  • Ahmed Yaakoubi

    Ahmed Yaakoubi


    The pizza quality was very good

  • en

    Manjula Dharmasiri


    Best pizzas in casablanca for sure.

  • Roland Moore

    Roland Moore


    Good pizza price a little high

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