Hostel Abdo Marrakech i Marrakech

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MarokkoHostel Abdo Marrakech



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Marrakech 40000, Marruecos
kontakter telefon: +212 652-586889
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Latitude: 31.6294723, Longitude: -7.9810845

kommentar 5

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    Eymen Sirhani


    Incredible experience! We went to Marrakesh for one week and just one day before flying to Morocco we booked the three days and two nights excursion to Merzouga desert through Viator. Being already in Marrakesh the company contacted us saying that nobody else had hired the tour so if we were still interested we needed to pay 50 euros more each. We really did not have much money for the trip but we thought it was fair enough as we were not going to be a group and just both of us with the guide. I am so glad we paid this extra money! Not just because desert and the whole trip to there is beautiful and something we will remember forever but also because Abdu (our guide) and the driver are absolutely amazing. Both super friendly people, although the very gentle driver could not speak English, they made sure that we were feeling well every moment. They are really the kind of person who you feel comfortable with since the very beginning. I also want to highlight that on the first day of the excursion I started to feel carsick (crazy zigzag mountain roads, take some pills for travel sickness before getting into the car if you are not used to long road trips) and they were stopping all the time and Abdu even let me be on his seat in the front of the car. Also the night we spent in the desert was my boyfriend's birthday and Abdu managed to send us a surprise birthday cake to the camp! At the end of the trip we were just wishing we had 100 euros more to fairly tip them both for their excellent job. Hugely recommended

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    Albert greentland


    Wish I had more characters for this review! Ali and the others working at this hostel were amazing, helping me navigate the city, cooking me a free dinner due to it being so late (nothing opened), offering fresh green tea, and handling all tour logistics. The hostel itself is absolutely BEAUTIFUL, and is definitely the biggest hostel I've stayed out, but it feels like one big home. They serve a traditional moroccan breakfast for free, which is an added bonus! This is THE BEST HOSTEL to stay at!

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    syk armani


    hosteù abdo marrakech

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    Marrakech Morocco


    Hostel in marrakech

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