Embassy i Rabat

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Rabat, Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5375-44949
internet side: www.canadainternational.gc.ca
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.9698972, Longitude: -6.8468642

kommentar 5

  • Giovanni Vella

    Giovanni Vella


    I am very disappointed with this embassy. My wife Nadia applied for a Temporary Visa to enter Canada at a Visa Office in Rabat, Morocco on April 10 , 2018 since her Permanent Resident Card expired Feb 2018 .She has been a Permanent Resident since Jan 17 , 2013 . We have a 29 month old daughter. I need to reschedule a return flight for all of us after we have a the visa. We all live in Cambridge at 8 Heather Avenue .They seem to be oblivious to a lot of important details . They even asked if my wife lives in Morocco on the phone. This visa should have been fast- tracked . It is irrelevant this embassy is busy with many applications. I have sent them a copy of my Canadian passport since they required it a few days ago. They need to stop looking for the Holy Grail and process a visa promptly. Are they pretending they are as mysterious as the CIA ??? Giovanni Vella

  • en

    Khalid Gas


    Case 1 My mom apply to see her first grandchild 2 times with same result - refuse This office claim the I don’t have money to support my mom on her period of stay hear in Canada Case 2 My family want to invest in my brother to come and study hear in canada we put more than 40000 dollar in the bank just to support his stay and cover all his expanse , plus I had help from one of the most well know people in canada this person support more than 50 family to come to canada thanks to him but the result was the refuse FYI I make enough money to support my self and my small family Dear officer if you are reading these words please help me understand what is it that you need exactly from us to do to satisfy you Feeling disappointed Thank you

  • en

    Mel El


    Fantastic each visit, whatever the purpose. Professional, caring, loveable people. BTW, I'm Canadian living in Morocco.

  • Yahya Chok

    Yahya Chok



  • Slaym Doctor

    Slaym Doctor


    Good luck

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