El reducto i Tetouan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MarokkoEl reducto



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Marruecos, Tetouan, Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5399-68120
internet side: www.elreducto.com
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Latitude: 35.571075, Longitude: -5.3698998

kommentar 5

  • Shauna Boshier

    Shauna Boshier


    Stunning interior with great unique food options from the traditional Moroccan meals. Well priced. Can be a bit trickier to find but well worth the extra effort to reach.

  • Angela Amorim

    Angela Amorim


    Restaurant with good food and surprisingly good vibe in Tetouan where you can enjoy a glass of eine. But not till late as it is also a hotel riad.

  • Bethany Feik

    Bethany Feik


    It serves decent food. It has a comfortable atmosphere and reasonably friendly staff.

  • en

    Marialuisa Maramotti


    ALSO HOTEL. Deserves 7 stars! Without El Reducto oasis and helpful beyond duty Jusef my visit to Tetouan would have been a disaster. Particularly during Ramadan! Excellent and beyond charming LICENCED restaurant and roof terrace serving a cold beer at sunset a life saver at a time when before 19:45 not even mint tea is served in town. Lavish traditional decor and spacious rooms. A must for solo female travellers.

  • Oriol Font

    Oriol Font


    Great quality menu. Excellent service!

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