Eglise Notre Dame De Lourdes i Casablanca

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MarokkoEglise Notre Dame De Lourdes


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Casablanca 20250, Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 665-252528
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Latitude: 33.5826489, Longitude: -7.615573

kommentar 5

  • Exploring With Karim

    Exploring With Karim


    Best place I've explored

  • en

    Youness BOUMALEK


    A wonderful sight of Marseille, you can see the hole city.

  • Iverest Sunkyedong

    Iverest Sunkyedong


    Breathtaking architecture! A serene place of worship for Casablanca's mostly expatriate Catholics.Also a must see tourist attraction if you are in casa on Vacay!

  • Abdelmjid Daif

    Abdelmjid Daif


    Vert Nice old stained glas windows

  • en

    Amin Ebrahim


    It's a beautiful modern sanctuary in the midst of a busy urban environment . I love the stark simplicity of the concrete interior and how the stain glass reveals itself as one proceeds through the aisle. It feels Byzantine and Gothic and Modern. If you like modern art and architecture this and Villa Zevaco (restaurant Chez Paul) are worth visiting in Casa. If you visit outside of Mass you might have the entire place to yourself!

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