Dawliz Resort & Spa i Rabat

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MarokkoDawliz Resort & Spa



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Avenue du Prince héritier | 11010 Salé- Rabat |، Rabat 10000, Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5378-83277
internet side: www.hoteldawlizrabat.ma
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.0286272, Longitude: -6.8154472

kommentar 5

  • Jawad Hussain

    Jawad Hussain


    My first time in this hotel and nothing but a thumbs up! A very well maintained hotel, i am obsessive about cleanliness and i could not fault this place! Rooms are clean, spacious, quiet and with great views. Customer service is great and all the staff were very helpful. Its a shame many are not fluent in English but know enough to understand and answer queries. Malak on the other hand was fluent in English, she was very helpful and was always willing to answer any questions that i threw at her. Thanks to all the reception staff and room service staff (Abdul)! I would highly recommend this place to anyone wishing to stay in Rabat and i look forward to staying here again in the future. p.s.. the fragrance in the entire hotel was amazing!

  • laila kerroumi

    laila kerroumi


    A pretty hotel big rooms. quiet place everview the river away from the crowd and noise of the city.the best place to relaxe

  • Ibn Harrouni

    Ibn Harrouni


    Great location. Nicely decorated

  • Montasser Mohammed

    Montasser Mohammed


    Nice place to pass a vacation or an evening dinner, very good service and a good atmosphere with the view to the river. I think it is one of the most beautiful hotels in sale

  • Павел Крылов

    Павел Крылов


    Good place to stay in Sale for it's money. Enough dishes for breakfast. Nice view at river. Cosy and silent rooms. Some restaurants at marina nearby.

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