Dar Attajmil, Guest House Marrakech i Marrakesh

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MarokkoDar Attajmil, Guest House Marrakech


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23, Rue el Ksour, 40000, Marrakesh, Marrakesh, MA Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5244-26966
internet side: www.darattajmil.com
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Latitude: 31.627522, Longitude: -7.992092

kommentar 5

  • Sharnie Odley

    Sharnie Odley


    Simply wonderful, felt very welcome from the moment we booked. Truly a hidden gem! Breakfast on the terrace was magnificent. We would and deffiently will be telling people about this Riad.

  • billy perkins

    billy perkins


    Paolo and his team at the dar Attajmil, are incredible hosts. Before arriving Paolo messaged me to make sure I was OK for directions and he offered to meet and greet us. Breakfast was wonderful on top of the terrace, and one of the best I have had in marrakech. The riad itself is stunning and attention to detail obvious.

  • Rod Lewis

    Rod Lewis


    A really friendly small hotel with great service

  • Lalla Abouch Arganic Farm

    Lalla Abouch Arganic Farm


    Excellent location in town, in one of the best areas of the old Medina. Lovely terrace, charming spaces and great staff. Cooking class is a very fun plus!

  • Carlos Sarasola Orio

    Carlos Sarasola Orio


    Great cooking classes, beautiful & tasteful decoration. Attention to detail.

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