Clinique Vétérinaire Targa (Marrakech) i Marrakech

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MarokkoClinique Vétérinaire Targa (Marrakech)



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149, lotissement Lalla Haya, route de Targa, Marrakech 40000, Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5243-92195
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.6496, Longitude: -8.048665

kommentar 5

  • Solène Janicot

    Solène Janicot


    On peut dire que les prix sont vraiment pas cher et je dit bravo. Toujours disponible. Le vétérinaire Adil Bourhila est vraiment expérimenter. Même les croquettes et pâte sont en moyenne 10 à 50 dhirams moins cher qu'en animalerie. Les 2 filles à l'accueil sont très gentille. J'enlève juste 1 étoile car je trouve qu'elle n'explique pas le suivie à faire après opération ou autre du coup on est un peu perdu. Je recommande ce vétérinaire qui est souvent débordé. Bravo à toute l'équipe.

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    Dr Lamrani loves animals. .he will treat your pet with the utmost care and respect .On numerous occasions he has saved our Henry"so life. Never have we met a veteranarian like him...please don't hesitate to visit his wonderful clinic. .xx John Russo

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    Cerian Phillips


    We are British couple on holiday, we found a very poorly street kitten and we could not leave him in pain in the sun. He could not walk on his front legs and had a bad infection, he had likely been like this for a few days before we found him. We searched google and this vet was the only one that said online that it was open, of course we arrive and the vet was shut. We rung the vet and he came to the shop (for this we were charged for an emergency appointment) We were told that he had a really bad infection, and we paid 800DH upfront for some tests and overnight treatment. Two days later we just receive a message that he has died. The vet does not answer any of our questions, we do not believe that he received the IV anti biotics which he would have needed to survive. We cannot know because the vet does not answer any of our messages. We did not want to leave this poor kitten alone in the sun to die and we now feel that because unfortunately it was the weekend he likely died alone in empty veterinary surgery without the correct care, as we received the message first thing on the Monday morning. The minimum that you expect from a vet is compassion towards all animals regardless of whether they are a street animal or a family pet and regardless of the day of the week that they are brought in.

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    arne larsson


    Best vetrinary clinic in Marrakech, professional, have always been great to me and my dogs.




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