Chaaba car i Essaouira

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MarokkoChaaba car



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Rue Mae El Aaynine, Essaouira, Essaouira, MA Marruecos
kontakter telefon: +212 600-051530
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.516501, Longitude: -9.7590392

kommentar 5

  • Ernest Tylingo

    Ernest Tylingo


    One of the best car rental offices which we tried! I really recomended it for ewerybody who wants to visit Morroco with a car. Good price, very nice attitude towards their clients and without any biocracy. If we will go for a second time to Morroco we will definitely choose Chaaba car again!!!

  • pl

    Tomasz Milewski


    Miła obsługa. Super auto. Gorąco polecamy i bardzo dziękujemy.

  • Andrew Fairhurst

    Andrew Fairhurst


    This was my first time hiring a car in Morocco. I found Chaaba Car using Google Maps. They seemed to have received a lot of positive feedback on Google and also on their Facebook page. I contacted them via email and received a helpful and informative reply very quickly. We went ahead and booked a few days later. Upon arriving to Essaouira a representative from Chaaba Car was there to greet us. We completed the paperwork in the carpark; the process couldn't have been simpler. Car was great value and performed well thought our trip... we travelled to Merzouga and probably did 1600km (~35hrs) of driving. Returning the car was very easy. I've regularly hired cars in London and Spain and must commend Chaaba Car, as the experience was one of the best I've had. Highly recommended. I'd definitely use again.

  • Željana Dujmović

    Željana Dujmović


    The best rental company ever!!! Very simple and quick agreement, done in few minutes. New car provided; friendly and helpful staff. I could not ask for more.

  • es

    Pablo de borja


    Sitio más que recomendable, alquilamos un coche para ir a imsouane, un skoda muy nuevo, nos atendió una chica encantadora que nos facilitó un GPS y mapas para no tener problemas y poder llegar a nuestro destino. Fue muy amable, nos llevó a la salida de essaouira y ala vuelta nos acercó a nuestro Riad. 100% recomendable

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