Carrefour Market i Rabat

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MarokkoCarrefour Market



🕗 åbningstider

6, Avenue Al Maghrib Al Arabi, Rabat, MA Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5377-30955
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.021075, Longitude: -6.8424064

kommentar 5

  • Paul Harvey

    Paul Harvey


    Poorly run. Customer service almost zero. A sense of apathy. Try Marjane.

  • Dinu Deji

    Dinu Deji


    Good variety.

  • Ikram El

    Ikram El


    It's not a big market but it's a nice one where you can find lot of things, good quality products, it can be crowded sometimes, you can pay by cash or by card. It saves time when you want to do small purchases, the service it good .

  • Zuzana Móroczová

    Zuzana Móroczová


    I was there whey they have some action, so many many many many people omg, so i dont know how is this supermarket in normal days But they have all stuff, food water stuff for home etc...

  • James Green

    James Green


    Food market in the centre of Rabat. Good selection of products. Everything looks very fresh. Well organised displays. The meat section looks fantastic. Very clean. Efficient check out. Good to see that this store does not use plastic bags and encourages people to bring their own carry bags. Fresh baguettes and croissants are tasty.

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