Campus Sweet i Rabat

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MarokkoCampus Sweet



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Avenue Allal Al Fassi, Rabat, MA Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5377-79906
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.9842926, Longitude: -6.8628716

kommentar 5

  • Abdellaoui Yassine

    Abdellaoui Yassine


    It was. The place is spacious

  • Zahira Naavy

    Zahira Naavy


    Good service but every time I go there to study or read something since it’s the closest coffee shop to my faculty the lighting suckssss there’s literally no light and it’s always dark which is annoying

  • Montasser Mohammed

    Montasser Mohammed


    Not so bad, you can have a drink; coffee or something like that but they do not have a good view and it is popular.

  • Imane Z

    Imane Z


    Great place to have a cup of coffee if you don't mind all the noise coming from students that attend here. Also, this place is usually full of people so if you're looking for a quiet place this is not it.

  • Yaseen Sherif

    Yaseen Sherif


    i can only feel sorry for the students who come here and pretend to enjoy Overpriced sandwiches and coffee. During my three years at the faculty i have tried to find out what made this place popular with students,other than its the closest place to sit while waiting for someone or the bus, i have yet to find another reason. even then the security will ask you to buy something or go out. also Wifi here is risky and slow. Attempting to connect means that you don not value your device security or have no clue how easy it is to be digitally jacked. Overall ,avoid at any means if possible.

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