Camping International (el jadida ) i El Jadida

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MarokkoCamping International (el jadida )


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El Jadida, Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5233-42755
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Latitude: 33.2399147, Longitude: -8.4866475

kommentar 5

  • Maria Tokareva

    Maria Tokareva


    Good price (42 dhs for one person with a tent and a bike) and good site with lots of trees. Facilities on the other hand are not great. No hot water, many toilets don't flush. WiFi only at the reception but fast.

  • en

    Sue Clark


    Shame about the toilets. 9e for electricity extra for a shower. 6.6e for stay without electricity. Shame the site is run down. The road within the site has holes and very difficult to walk at night as there is no lighting. Town is pretty and site is near the beach. Cassette dump site and water need a a sign. Far too expensive for this site compared to other sites. Office hosts do speak good English though. Wi-Fi only in reception area

  • Graham Frost

    Graham Frost


    Very friendly and very cheap. Good facilities. Nice beach.

  • Raul Martinez

    Raul Martinez


    Good parcels but not very clean

  • en

    ace realism


    There are much better places available. Manager has a short temper. Keeping a record of who has your Passport details is extremely important. Identity theft can not be traced otherwise. The manager does not hold to his word. He said he would give us a stamped copy of the passport details he took from us. Then, after he finished taking the details, he said his copy machine does not work and that he has no stamp. He also changes the terms and prices of your stay with out notifying you in advance. We gladly paid and left the next day. Besides, the bathrooms and shower facilities are something like a cave you don't want to venture into.

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