Cafe Snack Rahba Kedima i Marrakech

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MarokkoCafe Snack Rahba Kedima



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Rahba Kedima no 168 Kedima Square، Marrakech 40000, Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 661-165228
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Latitude: 31.628911, Longitude: -7.986894

kommentar 5

  • Kosala Perera

    Kosala Perera


    Had the Tajine Rahba which was exceptionally good. Very nice and friendly service. They were not pushy like other restaurants. Well priced meals too

  • en

    Hawal Abubakr


    We had such a great time here. Good service, and cheap prices and a great view!! We got two juice and two meals for just 190 dirhams. We watched the sun go down which was beautiful. And when it came a bit colder we went inside. It was a bit small but charming none the less. I can recommend this place.

  • D



    Not very welcoming but the view was a good one. We only had tea so can’t comment on food.

  • Karlos Kos

    Karlos Kos


    Kind staff, good food for average prices, beautiful overview of nearby market square. Menu list only in french. Recommend.

  • Magdalena Horanin

    Magdalena Horanin


    Nice little cafe. I just had coffee and juice here, so I can't say anything about food. But the staff is very friendly. It's a good spot for those who like to observe street life.

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