Borj Nord i Fes

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MarokkoBorj Nord



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Fes, Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212
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Latitude: 34.0672292, Longitude: -4.9850186

kommentar 5

  • Ilyas Elaissaoui

    Ilyas Elaissaoui


    Borj Nord is a fort in the city of Fez, Morocco. It was first established in 1582 by the Saadi dynasty, modeled after the Portuguese Forts in the 16th century. It is among the largest defense structures around the city of Fez and one of the few to incorporate European-style changes in military architecture in the gunpowder age. Today, the fort is open to public as the Museum of Arms.

  • Wijaya Randu

    Wijaya Randu


    Interesting museum, and you can go all the way up to see the panoramic view of Fez

  • Declan Mccrory

    Declan Mccrory


    The weapons are a treasure to examine but the true beauty is the amazing views from the top of the fort on a cloudless day.

  • en



    Entrance fee is only 10 dirham. Good collection of weapons, unfortunately no English description. The place is well maintained and there's not too many visitor. Remember to go up the rooftop for bird's eyes view of the medina and the surrounding area. The walkway leading to this museum also offer a great view of the medina.

  • Alexandre Bento Freire

    Alexandre Bento Freire


    Well preserved facade, providing a good photo opportunity. Large collection of weapons including revolvers, sabers and rifles. The terrace will give you a bird-eye view over the city. Good spot for sunset photography.

nærmeste Museum

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