Best Western Hotel Toubkal i Casablanca

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MarokkoBest Western Hotel Toubkal



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9 Rue Sidi Belyout, Casablanca 20100, Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5223-11414
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Latitude: 33.59783, Longitude: -7.614281

kommentar 5

  • Chad



    Falsely accused us of taking something from the mini bar. We almost missed our train from Casa Port. Guessing this had something to do with our room not being fully cleaned/properly prepared. I’d recommend going someplace nicer in this area if you can find a better price.

  • Kay Leu

    Kay Leu


    I stayed at this hotel and was abhorred by their customer service. The people are sneaky and illegal. They charged me at checkout for 39,60 MAD for 1 night of "TAXE DE SEJOUR". I refused to pay since they didn't accept credit card and the security guy refused to let me go. I finally paid in cash since I had to catch my train. On the receipt that I paid online it says that the price includes taxes and fees.

  • aykut ayan

    aykut ayan


    This is one of my very bad experience. I donot not recommend. Smeels very bad floor rooms.! it is very old hotel.! Never again best western.! Laundry was back to me clotes wet.! I am traveling offen and Please do not stay there.

  • en

    Lloyd Glibbery


    Good location, excellent staff, buffet breakfast was fine The property does need some attention, but certainly good value for the cost. If it wasn't for the excellent staff, I might look elsewhere.




    That is a bad experience on the hotel, old furniture, terrible service. We met a cheater waiter when I check in on the night. We booked a room that can not cancel on the website. But we do not know which payment they will charge me. When we check in, they said we need pay cash, but I told them I was paid card on the website. But the waiter said we need pay card. So we believe them. But the second day, I find they have already thought to charge my bank card. That is terrible things; they charge my money twice.

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