bel ange marrakech i Marrakech

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Marokkobel ange marrakech



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salon bel ange centre commercial carré eden 23, rue tariq bnou ziad، Marrakech 40000, Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5244-20036
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.635719, Longitude: -8.011394

kommentar 5

  • Sofia Adil

    Sofia Adil


    The best salon in Marrakech! I travel to Marrakech every month for work,and i always book a appointment for nails and hair. Wissal the manager she always take care of me. The beauty therapist and the hairdresser they are very professional! I raccomend to all my client to go there and they are very satisfied! Thank you bel ange!

  • Erica J

    Erica J


    I'm visiting Marrakech on holiday. I needed a lash refill and brow wax while away. My hotels concierge booked me an appointment on September 18th at 12:45 (the next day as it was the 17th). The appointment landed when I was switching hotels, so I schleped my luggage along with me. Once I arrived, they had a woman there that did perminant make up saying I made an appointment for brow tattoo. They blamed the misunderstanding on the concierge who spoke perfectly good English. They proceeded to tell me that the lash girl was on her way and to wait 20min. 90 min had passed and I asked where she was. They said she wasn't coming and seemed confused about the appointment asking if I wanted glue on lashes!!! What?! It's like I was speaking Japanese!!! What a waste of time and cab money!! The following day, September 19th (today), I text a girlfriend of mine who lives here in Marrakech asking for a lash recommendation. She gave me a number and my concierge at my new hotel booked me an appointment for a lash refil and brow wax. I was next to him while he booked to make sure... He ordered me a private driver who would take me to the appointment, wait for me and bring me home. Not the cheapest thing, but reliable! He dropped me off infront of the same mall where this horrible place was and my heart fell. It was like a bad dream!! Sure enough, it was the same place!!!! They seemed confused (as usual) saying I didn't have an appointment. I was next to my concierge when he booked. I had them call my hotel and he spoke to them (in French). He said he wanted to speak to me, but the girl on the phone said, "no no, everything is okay. We're taking care of her". (I found that out later from him). They told me the lash girl had left, but she would return in 5min. 15 min passed and I asked where she was. They said she was ready to give me my facial. What the?!?! Facial?!?! Are we on the same planet lady?!?! She says that's what my concierge booked. I was NEXT to him when he booked. She also lied to me saying I didn't have an appointment. If I "didn't have an appointment", then how do I have an appointment for a facial?! Needless to say, I left wasting AGAIN my time and more cab money. Do not go here for obvious reasons!! I'm in disbelief!!!

  • fr

    Valérie Bondurand


    Seul salon ouvert dans le quartier aujourd'hui. ...mis à part un bonjour de celle qui me paraît être la directrice et la seule à travailler... totale ignorance de la cohorte d employées occupées par leur téléphone ou leurs discussions.... un brushing sur cheveux courts à 100dhs.....soit 2 fois plus cher qu' ailleurs pour un résultat plus que passable.....

  • fr

    Ayoub BELLAM


    Une équipe professionnelle un cadre tres agréable

  • fr

    H Del


    Le staff n'est vraiment pas professionnel - je n'ai jamais vu cela aupravent. Une des "esthéticiennes" est venue déposer son sac bourré de vernis juste au dessus de mon sac à main et a commencé à faire des allers-retour incompréhensibles. N'ayant plus de vue sur mon sac à main (elle me tournait le dos donc impossible de voir ce qu'elle fait); à un certain moment elle a commencé à faire tomber exprès des vernis ici et là. J'ai commencé sérieusement à me demander si elle est entrain de me faire les poches ( d'autant plus qu'il y avait plein de de chaises libres ailleurs). Allez savoir ce qui se passe dans la tête de ces gens! Une autre employée qui profite du moment où je passe au shampooing pour s'asseoir sur mon siège.. pose son pied sale sur la chaise en cuir.. et commence à limer ses gros orteils. Incroyable! A fuir à tout prix; j'ai été chez d'autres coiffeurs sur Marrakech on t'accueille toujours avec le sourire et personne ne vient roder autour de tes affaires. PLUS JAMAIS

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