Veterinary clinic Yasmine in Marrakech i Marrakech

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MarokkoVeterinary clinic Yasmine in Marrakech



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Complexe résidentiel Ben Tachfine - Immeuble D - Boulevard Prince My Abdellah، Marrakech 40000, Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5244-58696
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Latitude: 31.651942, Longitude: -8.017842

kommentar 5

  • Fatima Zahra Hamidi

    Fatima Zahra Hamidi


    The best doctor in marrakech so nice and soooooo helpfull too tnx aloot for everything 😊😊

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    Billy Mudhar


    The best and most comfortable experience for all my pets Dogs Cats Birds

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    Jelle de Wal


    We do have a little dog of 7 month’s old and last week she became very very ill. She would not eat, no drink, she refused everything. At that time we were in Tata in South Morocco and we could not find a veterinarian over there so we decided to go to Clinique Yasmine, a trip of 500 km. From the moment we arrived in the clinique our little dog received all the neccesary treatment to overcome the Parvo virus. After 5 days of intensive treatment she eats and drinks again thanks to Dr. Lamrani! Thank you for saving our little dog!

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    I lived in New York For 20 years..a dealt with a host of medical doctors..Never in my life have I dealt with a medical doctor or a veterinarian like Dr Mohammed Lamrani. Because of his research,because of his dedication,he met us at midnight with our critically ill dog..he diagnosed Henry almost immediately,with a complicated adrenal'disease..within days he asked a lovely French client of his to bring back from Paris,a very special medication...which he had researched...and then he went on'to discover the generic version in New York City.Dr Lamrani treated Henry regularly and lovingly.. 1 1/2 years later..our Henry is alive,living a normal healthy life and Dr Lamrani has made sure of that.. This vet is a miracle..I've sent countless people to him and we are all in agreement..None of us have ever experienced a kinder,more generous and most of all a professional who loves animals and is completely devoted to them and their owners..It was our lucky day when we found Dr.´Lamrani..He's our vet and we love and trust him.

  • Reda Budreviciute

    Reda Budreviciute


    Worst veterinary doctor I ever seen in my life, definitely don't recommend to anyone. Looks like he hates all the animals!

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