Sheraton Casablanca Hotel & Towers i Casablanca

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MarokkoSheraton Casablanca Hotel & Towers



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100, Avenue des FAR, 20000, Casablanca, Anfa, MA Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5224-39494
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.5963093, Longitude: -7.6120513

kommentar 5

  • Merrick _

    Merrick _


    Nice hotel for a Sheraton. Close to Casablanca’s major attractions, but the area isn’t great. If you’re coming as a tourist I’d probably opt for the Four Seasons or Sofitel just because of location. The staff don’t seem to know how to run a hotel by global Sheraton standards. Line waits were long, with staff just standing behind the counter doing nothing. No express checkout. The non smoking room still smelled like cigarettes.

  • Wild Sahara Tours

    Wild Sahara Tours


    The Sahara tour was truly amazing experience. The stuff is great: the driver, the guide and the berber people on the location were really great companions providing us with exceptional experience. food was one of the best we had in Morocco. We would warmly recommend this place to anyone who is interested in Sahara desert tour.

  • Alf Sagen

    Alf Sagen


    Set closer to the old town, the Sheraton has a posh entrance area, nice staff and a truly great breakfast (was included in my room rate). The room is a bit worn, especially the bathroom, but the size is large (including a desk for work), WiFi acceptable for work and the bed was great.

  • en

    Umberto M


    Used to be one of the best if the city but now, is in definitely need of a severe update. Rooms are overall confort and clean, common areas are better than the rooms. Good private parking. Again, too old.

  • Dmitri M

    Dmitri M


    Bad. Service overall very bad, from bar downstairs to some of the workers in club lounge. The club lounge is horrible. The rooms are bad, plus there is music heard from club downstairs. Location is good, few very good restaurants close by. The cleaning of rooms is done by someone walking around all rooms and collecting towels, and in a few hours bringing fresh ones, if you can call it that. If you happen to take a shower in this period, you are screwed. Taxis around hotel are a mess.

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