Riad Bab Essaouira i Essaouira

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MarokkoRiad Bab Essaouira



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Essaouira, Marokko
kontakter telefon: +212 661-439221
internet side: www.riad-bab-essaouira.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 31.514609, Longitude: -9.77063

kommentar 5

  • lt

    Edmundas A


    Geras Riadas, gal kiek mažas bet jaukus, visu švaru, tvarkinga, labai paslaugus, draugiškas, savininkas. Dienos metu gal kiek nejauku pasiekti patį Riadą, nes reikia eiti labai siauromis, tamsiomis gatvelėmis, kaip kokiais korodoriais, vakare jos apšviestos. Labai puiki terass ant stogo. Gera kaina už nakvynę medinoje.

  • en

    Alexandra Kumor


    My dad and I had a wonderful time at Riad Bab Essaouira! This was not only in an excellent location in the Medina, but I can't say enough about how friendly the staff was. Plus, we had to leave at 6:30 in the morning for a drive to Marrakech and our host made it a point that we'd have breakfast before we took off. The Moroccan pancakes and the coffee was much better than what we'd had at other riads. Thank you Simo!

  • Emina Buzinkic

    Emina Buzinkic


    We loved the place. It is well taken care of. The staff is lovely; they welcomed us and treated us with such a care. If we always had hosts like these warmly people here, our vacations would be always wonderful. Thank You, M., J. and S.

  • en

    Neil Hopkins


    Great place, great location, excellent hosts very clean and freshly made room every day. The hosts are also very friendly and helpful. I highly recommend 😁😁

  • Peter Gembicki

    Peter Gembicki


    Super place, hidden in an intimate street. Rooms right, clean, well maintained. Nice atmosphere at home. Sensational hosts. Delicious breakfasts served every morning. Amazing view from the roof. I recommend !!!

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