Riad Aziman i Tetouan

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MarokkoRiad Aziman


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Tetouan, Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212
internet side: riadaziman.eu
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Latitude: 35.5714189, Longitude: -5.3700851

kommentar 5

  • en

    stefania di fazio


    Very nice place to feel like Home. Lovely moments in this city with my family. So quiet and relaxing. We wish to come back.

  • it

    Uness di az


    Un posto magnifico nel centro della Medina di Tetouan. Dove si può sentire la vera accoglienza del Marocco e soprattutto quella del nord, grazie ai proprietari che hanno messo il loro tocco moderno a questa casa antica , e la signora Fatima che vi cura offrendo dei bei piatti ( su richiesta ) per non parlare della colazione abbondante. Posto molto pulito e curato . Non troppo lontano dal mare ( solo 15 minuti di macchina) ,e dalle montagna da una vista panoramica eccezionale. Complimenti ,consigliato per una esperienza magica .

  • Kita Kralampak

    Kita Kralampak


    Un superbe Riad au centre ville Tétouan Nord du pays Maroc,Accueille est vraiment de coeur.Juste à côté ville de Tétouan il y a des belles plages,des montagnes ,des bons cafétéria et restaurants côté plages.

  • Fahd Az

    Fahd Az


    Loved that Moroccan Modern Touch , simplicity and comfortable 👌& don't forget the roof view. nice place

  • Eleanor Brooker

    Eleanor Brooker


    It was a dream come true to stay in the old city, in an actual riad. Aziman has a view of the hills and the kasbah. My room was on the third level, just below the rooftop terrace. Amazing. You will need help with your bags, getting from the cab to the B&B. Phone ahead and let Abdul do the talking for you, so your driver has their bearings. You'll be met at the taxi rank and be assisted from there. The staff are friendly, multilingual, informative and amazingly helpful, with bags and guidance, and assistance with haggling, transport and site seeing. The bed, fixtures, breakfast, coffee and facilities were just perfect for me. The management have done a great job saving this piece of Tetouan history with a tasteful, attractive and authentic renovation. Abdul was just a star. He helped me with everything from sorting out my dodgy taxi driver, to my bags and transport and showing me the Medina. I loved it. Rooms have hot water, private shower and loo, wifi. and power for your appliances. Don't expect air con. If you need air con, then this isn't for you.

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