Renaissance Cinema i Rabat

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MarokkoRenaissance Cinema



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Avenue Mohamed V, Rabat, MA Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5377-38049
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Latitude: 34.0201814, Longitude: -6.8371546

kommentar 5

  • Zak F

    Zak F


    The waiter with the beard and glasses is really humble and nice!

  • Doha TKHISSI

    Doha TKHISSI


    Wish the cafe space was a bit larger because it's usually full. Price is affordable. View is okay. Quality is good.

  • Yassine Moussaif

    Yassine Moussaif


    Nice cinema; variety of movies each week with movies representing some themes from time to time (last week it was the week of the german movies).

  • houda el aakaoui

    houda el aakaoui


    There is a cinema and cafe and restaurant is a wonderful place like almost for all ages u can enjoy your time sometimes they organize parties at the cafe in the cinema they put always box office films in the restaurant they have delicious food for breakfast and lunch and also dinner it's cozy place

  • Ayoub Aabass

    Ayoub Aabass


    This review is for the café over the cinema, not the cinema itself. The shop is quite comfortable, with nice furnishing and a cool view. The drinks are good and the food is great too, especially the cakes and sweets in general. A big issue though I'd the fact that smokers are allowed to smoke inside, making for quite the heavy atmosphere

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