Le Cabestan i Dar-el-Beida

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MarokkoLe Cabestan



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90, Boulevard de la Corniche، Phare d'El hank، Dar-el-Beida 20000, Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5223-91190
internet side: www.le-cabestan.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.6081836, Longitude: -7.6554723

kommentar 5

  • Laurent Paul Montaron

    Laurent Paul Montaron


    The location and the view is exceptional and the place is popular with all, locals and tourist. Great spacious parking. Outdoors night bar is a blast. Unfortunately the food is a hit-or-miss… execution and quality can be lacking. Try the slow cooked lamb shoulder. Avoid the mushroom risotto until they figure it out.

  • en

    Hiba Amer


    Very very bad experience. Food was late. Meals didnt come all together. Taste was horrible. Service was real bad. The only good thing was location and ocean virw. Real bad and never to be reapated again

  • henry sansom

    henry sansom


    Expensive very average tasting food. The plating is blank. Rude service. The douchiest cocktails, and an interior with all the charm of a condo mezzanine. Cabs will try to rip you off in this area. And the chairs/table set up is honestly the most uncomfortable I have ever sat in for a restaurant of this supposed category. Do not waste your time. There's far better dining experiences in CasaBlanca. This place sucks.

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    Fanatic B


    We only came to try the desserts. The waiter was very suprised, even impolite as he made a strange face. The dessert was good and the outside view is impressive. I was quite suprised outside, in the parking lot, when somebody tried to ask money for the time I stayed there. I just ignored them. For such a posh positioned restaurant that is quite lame.

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    Arda Soysal


    I haven’t been there at the sun light but it is obviously it has great view. If you are looking for a place to hang around at night, this is the place you are looking for. It is highly recommended to us by locals and we agree on this place worth to a visit.

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