Hôtel Le Palace d'Anfa i Dar-el-Beida

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MarokkoHôtel Le Palace d'Anfa


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171 Blvd d'Anfa, Casablanca - Maroc.، Dar-el-Beida 20250, Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5229-54200
internet side: www.lepalacedanfa.com
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Latitude: 33.5898574, Longitude: -7.6381373

kommentar 5

  • Ibrahim Wazna

    Ibrahim Wazna


    It's nice but feel like old

  • Wail Dashash

    Wail Dashash


    There are better hotels in the vicinity - There are only two elevators and one of them is always out of service. All the guests are struggling on one and you can imagine the delay. - Gym operating hours are only 8 AM til 10 PM. And most of the machines are not working. The ones that are working are old and NOT clean and needs maintenance as they don’t operate normally. - There is no drinking water in the gym nor a restroom - Internet is slow - A/C temp control doesn’t work because it is set by the hotel. If they set it to heat, then that is what you are going to get even if you feel it is hot. - Food quality: Breakfast is very good. But lunch and dinner is ok, not impressive - If you are sensitive to light while sleeping and require total darkness, you wont like sleeping here - Electric wall outlets are EU type and no places for US/UK types - Employees are friendly and nice, working hard to keep guests happy - Front Desk is small and usually has one employee only to help the guests - Parking is challenging - Location is the best thing about this hotel. Almost everything is close - when I order Room service, the food and hot drinks does not arrive hot even if I request so. I guess the trip to my room is long and they dont have temp covers for the food

  • Wail Dashash

    Wail Dashash


    There are better hotels in the vicinity - There are only two elevators and one of them is always out of service. All the guests are struggling on one and you can imagine the delay. - Gym operating hours are only 8 AM til 10 PM. And most of the machines are not working. The ones that are working are old and NOT clean and needs maintenance as they don’t operate normally. - There is no drinking water in the gym nor a restroom - Internet is slow - A/C temp control doesn’t work because it is set by the hotel. If they set it to heat, then that is what you are going to get even if you feel it is hot. - Food quality: Breakfast is very good. But lunch and dinner is ok, not impressive - If you are sensitive to light while sleeping and require total darkness, you wont like sleeping here - Electric wall outlets are EU type and no places for US/UK types - Employees are friendly and nice, working hard to keep guests happy - Front Desk is small and usually has one employee only to help the guests - Parking is challenging - Location is the best thing about this hotel. Almost everything is close - when I order Room service, the food and hot drinks does not arrive hot even if I request so. I guess the trip to my room is long and they dont have temp covers for the food

  • en

    waleed aldosari


    Old hotel annoying voices from the wedding party or from the street or from the renovation so it's totally annoying.

  • en

    waleed aldosari


    Old hotel annoying voices from the wedding party or from the street or from the renovation so it's totally annoying.

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