Hotel Le Diwan Mgallery By Sofitel i Rabat

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MarokkoHotel Le Diwan Mgallery By Sofitel



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Place de l'Unité Africaine, Rabat 10005, Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5372-62727
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.0175989, Longitude: -6.8278594

kommentar 5

  • Tom C

    Tom C


    Nice place. Central location for most tourist attractions

  • Hassan W

    Hassan W


    This is a good hotel with wonderful staff, but the air conditioning in the rooms isnt good and because of this had to cut short our stay and find another hotel.

  • Stanley Gordon

    Stanley Gordon


    A bit dated but convenient and cozy. People nice and helpful. Restaurant has good food

  • Liss Ambres

    Liss Ambres


    A modern hotel 15 minutes away from the train station and next to the tramway. The neighborhood is pretty quiet but you are next to everything either to visit or for business since the hotel is on a transportation node. It is a modern hotel so do not expect a Moroccan touch but rooms are large, well equipped, quiet and comfortable.

  • habib benallou

    habib benallou


    Absolutely what a luxury hotel should be, well centered and very neatly run. Very professional staff, from the doorman up. Quite an experience in the city of lights, the food is a culinary experience that is hard to forget. Keep up the good work.

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