Hôtel Atlas Orient Oujda i Oujda

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MarokkoHôtel Atlas Orient Oujda


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Avenue Idriss al Akbar, Oujda, Préfecture d'Oujda-Angad, MA Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5367-00606
internet side: www.hotelsatlas.com
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Latitude: 34.676741, Longitude: -1.9159833

kommentar 5

  • Young Kwon

    Young Kwon


    It was a decent stay. Some parts of the hotel does look outdated but it was decent.

  • Consuelo Aldaya

    Consuelo Aldaya


    Overall hotel was decent. But the restaurant food was horrible and overpriced, and no too many options to choose. At the end of breakfast all the waitress came to the restaurant dining area to collect all the food the customers didn't eat from the left over plates, even one piece of bread fall on the floor and she pick it up, this was disgusting and very unsanitary and unhealthy, plus I felt very bad eating left over food and paying that high prices, my husband and I we got a little sick of our stomach.

  • Real Sun

    Real Sun


    The reception sucked: I booked single, found out they gave me a double. Didn't even bother letting me know. Lack of information/communication. Room service didnt respond. And the breakfast was sugarless. Until a guy asked for it, then they went looking for some. However, I had a nice view. Comfortable sleep.

  • MundhirAlamri



    I really had a great stay in a remarkable place as Atlas Orient Oujda, the staff members here are so helpful and supportive I have meet Mohamed who helped me a lot to find the right places to get a car rent and he is the smilling face you will always want him to be there are i dont forget Sabren she is working in the reception she is helpful and fast ... i would come back to Atlas Orient again

  • en

    Prashant Ogale


    Good place for stay. Calm and quiet. Good service. Breakfast is not good.

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