Hôtel Amir Plage i Al Hoceïma

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MarokkoHôtel Amir Plage



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Plage Matadero، Al Hoceïma, Morocco
kontakter telefon: +212 5399-83290
internet side: www.hotelamirplage.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.237014, Longitude: -3.923349

kommentar 5

  • Oeil sur le monde

    Oeil sur le monde


    Vue magnifique sur une petite plage depuis le balcon de la chambre ,rapport qualité/prix convenable




    مررت من تجربة رائعة في هذه الفندق الغراف الجميلة الشرفات المطلة على الخليج كل هذه الأمور تجعل من الإقامة في الفندق جيد أجمل ما في الفندق موظفة الإستقبال رقيقه و جميلة و الإطلالة الرائعة على البحر أسوأ ما في الفندق الثمن الخيالي 50$ مقابل ليلى وحدة لو كان $30 سيكون أفضل

  • nou che

    nou che


    Bon hotel

  • en

    Em Dee


    We stayed at this hotel in end of September, which was the end of the busy season, so the hotel was completely empty. It felt like the staff had lost their motivation to work, and we annoyed them by our presence. Breakfast was included with the room, but there was almost nothing offered, and the server actually told us it was because the kitchen kept the bare minimum at this time of the season. Coffee was the absolute worst. The room itself had a nice view and balcony, but unfortunately this was overshadowed by the fact that it was so dirty, including the bathroom which hadn't been cleaned.

  • Ayoub SAYEH

    Ayoub SAYEH


    I love this hotel really !! if you need a relaxing vacation hotel Amir plage is the right place ,sound of the sea at night amazing, flyboard ,watercraft ,the sand ...

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